Monday, June 6, 2016

More parties and VBS!

We had yet another birthday party this weekend!

We have been super busy with a ton of fun things this weekend and to top it off, VBS started also!

It was a little hard for us to get up this morning and head to Summer Camp, school and work since we had so much fun!

This little girl was super funny Sunday morning before getting ready to conquer the day. She be-bopped around the house in this attire with about 20 hair clips in her hair dancing and acting silly! She is a mess!
They LOVE each other! This picture has just melted my heart when I snapped it of her and Aubie! They love to rub heads like this with each other! ha! is funny...but super sweet too! :)
Then....the storms rain like we had hoped so Sara Kate's party was ON! Swim party and they all had a blast! And...I could just stare at their views FOREVER off of their deck! SOOOO beautiful!
Alexis just happened to look down at SK's puppy when I took the picture....but some of the girls with the birthday girl!
Two peas in a pod! :)
Then...we rushed home from the party...threw everyone in the tub for a bath and then booked it to VBS! It is a 'Mega' Sports Bible theme and all the kids got to choose what sport they wanted to do!
The girls are READY for VBS! :)
Miss Hannah is such a big helper! The girls were excited to see her!
And, this is my little crew! Most all the kids chose soccer as their sport...and then next was karate, but these are mine for the week! It is my first time meeting some of them and they are so sweet and excited about learning 'cheer stuff' per them! :)
Miss Brittany had to sit with Riley because she was afraid of 'Mega!' ha!
They chose their own name! Their name is 'Team Mega Cheer!' sooo....that is what we are called! :) They all fell in love with the pom poms!
Alexis was SUPER excited that she gets to be a base during VBS! She just couldnt believe that she was one of the bigger ones and gets to base because she is always a flyer! She did a great job holding Bella!
And now....tonight marks night 2! Hopefully I can make it through the week and not be exhausted! :)

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