Sunday, June 19, 2016

Beach trip 2016~Part 1!

Whew, we are back to reality today and Im already missing the beach!

I have so much to post since we were gone a week that I am breaking it down into post parts! :)

This past Saturday we loaded up and headed to PCB for our Summer beach trip!

We made it to the beach just in time for lunch, then we headed to the condo and the room was ready so we hit the pool!

The rest is history! :)....

Before I go into our awesome week at the beach, let me first stop for a minute and wish these two fellas a happy Father's Day since today is Father's Day! :)
Daddy and his girls!
Pawpaw and his girls! We met Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi for lunch today to celebrate Father's Day since we havent seen them all week since we have been gone. The girls LOVE Solid Rock because they get to choose sherbet and ice cream for dessert! :)
Saturday when we got to the condo....we changed and hit the pool and beach for the rest of the afternoon until bed time! We had so much fun just relaxing and eating a pizza by the pool!
There is NO doubt this chick is the biggest water bug there is! She swam and swam and swam and flipped and dove and flipped and swam
She wanted me to take a picture of her doing a front flip! Im actually glad I took these 'in action' pictures because I love them!
Look at her flip! This picture cracks me up! She looked at the picture and said 'Mommy, I cant believe I did that!' :)
First night on the beach and it was soooooo pretty! I mean, the view....the sunset.....the breeze was perfection!
These two sassy pants!....SO much sass in one picture! :)
On top of the world! :)
My little one!
The view took my breath away!
Welcome to day 2! We were out the door that morning ready to go and play at the beach and pool again!
They filled up buckets, dug in the sand, swam in the ocean and more!
Finding seashells!
We sat up shop for sure! The crew minus Ben. He was in the room then!
We got a late start to dinner on this night because nobody wanted to come in a get cleaned up. We headed to J Michaels for some seafood! YUM!
Finishing up our yummy meal! We learned our lesson on this night that we really do have to get to the dinner places early so we dont have to wait so long to eat! :)
After dinner we went and did some shopping before heading back for bed. The girls did their best impression of a Pirate! See Lily's Pirate finger! :)
We were eaten by a whale! AHHHH!! :)
Day 3! Monday we did our same routine of beach and pool! Alexis {who of course is too grown} decided to 'lay out and get some sun' :) Lily decided to dig holes instead! ha!
This picture CRACKS me up! Lily and this mermaid bathing suit! Santa brought this for Lily this past Christmas and she has been dying to wear it at the beach. Well, it was finally time! She was SOOOOO funny in this thing! She couldnt walk in it....but she didnt care. She refused to raise it up to walk....or do anything. She insisted on keeping it down the whole time so we would just waddle around!
The girls and Daddy did some surfing and floating!
The ocean was the perfect temp!...and the sky was the perfect blue!
To cap off Day 3, we got all cleaned up and headed to Texas Roadhouse for a nice juicy steak and hit some outlet stores before heading back to the condo and doing a small photo shoot before calling it a semi early night.
Doing her own poses! :)
Too cool for school!
Sassy pants!
Also...sassy pants!
Andrew and the girls!
We grabbed some Dippin Dots to make the night complete. Us 'adults' enjoyed playing cards once the girls were in bed! Fun memories! :)
Stay tuned for Part 2 coming shortly! :)

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