Saturday, June 4, 2016

Cowgirl up!

We have had a fun outside day on this beautiful day!

It was supposed to rain and thunderstorm but so far so good and so we made the most out of it not storming!

First up today....we hung out at home and the girls rode their bikes for awhile!

Alexis is a pro now with her new bike and she thinks she is SO cool that she can change speeds!!

This afternoon, we had 'big' Lily's 8th birthday party and it was such fun!

So much fun that we are probably going to have my Lily's birthday party there since Anita {the owner} has a pony! Yes, that pony was adorable!!

We enjoyed riding the pony, cake, presents, cooking out and watching people fish! Alexis tried to catch a fish with her hands out of the pond that was there!

And now....we are all home and clean and relaxed just as the thunder is starting to roll and that shower is sounding like it is finally on its way!

Check out her new ride!
Check out this chick and her ride! :)
She rode and rode and was sooooo excited to ride up the hill and fly down it fast {in 3rd gear}!! :)
I have the cutest video of her riding and yelling 'yayyyy!!' all the way down the hill and back up!
Then...on to 'big' Lily's birthday! This cowgirl just HAD to wear her boots! She has worn those boots out!!
Happy birthday Lily! AND....look at the adorable pony behind them!
Alexis loved riding! She looked so grown up there!
 Gran walked the pony around when the girls rode. I think she had more fun than anybody.
 This girl was a natural!
 She didnt want to get off! :)

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