Friday, June 24, 2016

Life Lately~ dragging

Oh me, this week has been killer....

I just have not been with it this week because we have had SO much going on and I feel like I have just been swishing through doing it all.

The week after a week long trip is tough!

We have had Cheer Camp this week with the JSU cheerleaders which has been super fun, but not getting home until late and then turning around and having to go to work and then back again...while throwing in the rest of life.....and then also math tutoring, well....let's just say, I am glad today is Friday!

I have no pictures to show of the week because to be honest, I just havent felt like taking any! ha!

It has been a great week though and actually has flown by pretty quick and not dragged so that's good! We dont have any plans this weekend {except I have a progressive woman's dinner at Church} and I am sooooo excited! :)

Pawpaw sent me this pictures of the girls Wednesday! The girls enjoyed having a tea party out on their deck during the day!
Meet Brittany! She is a local waitress and per Pawpaw, she only serves coffee, tea and cookies, NO hotdogs!
Lily cracks me up how she LOVES to dress up in Alexis' old things {that are still too big for her} and prance around. This is Alexis' very first ballet costume that she has put on to be a waitress! :)
Meet Leslie! She is the primary customer at Brittany's outdoor restaurant! She loves to order the cookies and tea!
I love that my girls love to pretend. Their favorite thing to do at home is come and take mine and Tyler's order and then get all of their fake food and bring it to us to 'eat!' Lily cracks me up at how serious she always gets with what food and drinks that they do or dont have! They both are a mess! :)

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