Thursday, June 9, 2016

Lily's time to celebrate t-ball!

I had all intentions on posting this yesterday when we got home from the fun swim party to replace 'Wordless Wednesday' but it just didnt happen! This week has worn me out! I think this is the first time ever in the history of  this blog that I didnt post a 'Wordless Wednesday!' I chose to go to bed early for the first time this week and it was SO nice! :) VBS and this week...whew! :)

But....yesterday afternoon marked Lily's end of the season swim party at the Community Center.

She has been so excited about this party and has talked and talked and asked a CAzillion times when the day would be here!

This little girl right here loved everything about playing t-ball this season!
There were such cute decorations on all the tables and a TON of food!
The kids had SO much fun playing and swimming!
The mushroom was the favorite!
Look at that smile on Lily!
Some of the crew gathering up to start trophy time!!
Sarah, Cooper, Lily, Kinlyn, Madison, Ryker,William, Raybon!
The coaches giving a speech before handing out the trophies. Coach Duhon, Coach Alan and Coach Jason.
Last but not least was Lily! Everybody cheered for her when they called her name and you should have seen the proud look on her face!
She got a trophy and a medal.................... for coming in '1st place' :)
So proud! :)
This picture is priceless!.....she just finished a cupcake........has watermelon all over her face and eating a popsicle! I would say she was one happy girl! :)
Alexis and Raybon doing a little photo session!!

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