Monday, June 20, 2016

Part 4~and ending of the beach trip cant stay at the beach forever, so Im finishing up the final days at the beach.

Meet Riley. This little boy has sparked some controversy among the Law girls. called Lillian decided Riley was her 'boyfriend'.................but yet as she is telling us this, she claims she doesnt know his name, but that her boyfriend is the boy with the orange bathing suit on! :) Well...Alexis claims that he is her boyfriend because another little friend down there said that he likes her.......................................yet at this time, Alexis didnt know his name either! OH me! I can only picture how the future is going to be with my two and them fighting over boys...............
Since it was the last day at the beach..........I passed out popsicles for all the kids that the girls played with. They all loved it and had blue mouths and tongues when they were done! :)
We got cleaned up and headed to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings before heading to see the new movie that was just out that night called Finding Dory! It is a spin off of Finding Nemo. I dont think it was as good as Finding Nemo but it was a cute movie. The girls loved it which is what counts!
Nothing better than having a Kona Ice after eating dinner which  make a second round of popsicles/ice drinks in one day!
Before we hit the movie we did a spin around the fun little amusement park area and let the girls ride a couple of rides. Lily chose this scary bunny to ride on the Carousal! 
They decided to do this spins you around as you fly high and spin too. Just after eating.....I said no to riding this with them! :)
The picture doesnt really show exactly how it was. They got off and were dizzy! :)
Family of four!
Gran and Andrew..and the girls! :)
Finding Dory time!
Sooo.....bright and early Saturday morning...we loaded the car and left the beach. We were all sad to leave the beach but also excited because it was Leslie's wedding day! The girls LOVED watching Leslie and her bridesmaids getting ready! They were intrigued with all the different make up brushes and lipsticks, etc! They both kept picking the brushes up and rubbing them on their faces real quick so I wouldnt see them putting on more make-up! :)
Two beautiful girls excited about the wedding! The bridesmaids were JSU cheerleaders so they were just in Heaven watching them and playing with them!
The Bride and her Flower girls!
So pretty!

Their 1st dance! So happy for Kolton and Leslie and all the future holds for them. This picture cracks me up because you can see Lily in the background standing with one of her new 'best friends' and digging into her candy bag! Leslie had a candy table sooooooo....of course Lily had a bag full the entire time and I have no clue how much candy she consumed even though I do know that she was a live wire because of it all.....and sticky! :) :)
We got home just around 9:00pm just in time to put the girls straight to bed, unload the car and head to bed too!
Sunday was filled with unpacking....unwinding and lunch for Father's Day!, today.....well, today is Monday {and you know how Monday's are} but on top of that, Im back in the groove....and it has been tough today! ha! :)

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