Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sun filled weekend!

We had a semi low key weekend and it was just what the doctor ordered!

So, as soon as I picked Lily up from school on Friday, the first thing that she said was 'I want to have a Lily, Mommy and Daddy day only!' Im still not sure why she exclaimed this and why she didnt want Alexis to join because I asked her and she just said she wanted it to be Lily day....... so, little did she know, she was going to have that day anyways. Alexis just so happened to have math tutoring that afternoon and then right after I took her over to spend the night with Sara Kate.
So, even though Lily didnt know this, she was getting a 'Lily' day anyways! Soooo....I asked her what she wanted to do and she said 2 things.
1. She wanted to go to the park and 'play and play and play in the creek.' So, we checked that off the list! :)
2. She wanted to go to the place where they have the really good chips and salsa to eat! {And she doesnt even eat salsa!} :) So, we headed to Baja Grill for some yummy mexican after we took her to the park!
This was my sweet view as I pushed her in the swing! In a blink of an eye this little ponytail is going to be all grown up!
 Daddy and Lily on 'Lily, Mommy and Daddy day' checking out the creek!
 Then of course she had to take a dip! We had such a great Friday afternoon with our little chick! She tried to 'milk' the 'Lily, Mommy and Daddy' day by saying that she was going to get a toy at Wal-Mart when we stopped by there really quick after eating! Tyler informed her that her afternoon was over so no toy! She quickly informed him that it wasnt over yet so she picked out a fun notepad because she informed us that she 'really really needed one!' :) :)
 Saturday we woke up bright and early and went to pick up the big girls from SK's house and we all went to the Piedmont pool for the first time this Summer! Oh how I have missed pool weekends and soooo glad that they are back! We got there too early and the pool wasnt opened yet so we headed down to McDonalds for an ice-cream to wait out our time before it opened! The girls wanted to sit in their 'secret hideout' to eat theirs! {And yes, Lily wore just her bathing suit into McDonald's! We were super trailer parking it!} :)
 I didnt get an ice-cream from McDonald's because I was waiting on this!! A Frio pop! My ALL time favorite...Sea Salt Carmel! THE BEST thing you will EVER eat!
Sun, lounge chair, pool, big slide, blue skies, my family, and THIS yummy piece of Heaven equals PERFECTION! :)
We love to go down the big slide here! Well, they all do, I dont really like it...but I did it to be 'fun' with them! ha!
 Lily LOVED it!
 Alexis LOVED it!
 Tyler LOVED it! :)
 I thought I took a picture of Sara Kate going down, but I guess I didnt because the picture wasnt on my camera...but these two had fun swimming and hanging out together! When we got home Alexis crashed and took about a 2 hour nap because between 'staying up all night' at Sara Kate's house and swimming, it wiped her out!
 Yesterday night I had the Church's Women Progressive Dinner! I really enjoyed hanging out with these fabulous ladies and enjoying dinner! The 'Progressive' part of the dinner was new to me but I enjoyed it! I hosted one of the 'salad' houses and I hope to host again on the next one!
 And THIS everyone! the LAST check that I will EVER have to write for daycare EVER again! I turned it around so I wouldnt share my information, but I had to document this because I have been waiting for this day for a looooong time! NO more DAYCARE! Whoo hoo!! I feel like Im going to feel like I have won the lottery but then only to realize that I do still have to pay for Lily to be in the Pre-K program {even though it will be cheaper than daycare} and we added an extra class for Alexis in dance this coming up season soooo........Im really not going to have any extra money just laying around like my brain is wishing and hoping! :)
Lily is super excited that she has been selected to be in 'big girl' school with Alexis this Fall and Im excited for her too since she missed the cut off for Kindergarten. And, Alexis is super excited about taking ballet and jazz this Fall too! A lot of fun changes coming our way!
Having dinner at Nan and Pawpaws of some yummy homecooking with lots of leftovers for us to bring home just capped off the great weekend! Now....a short week to make it to Auburn and Alexis turning 8! Yayy!!

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