Friday, March 29, 2019

Such a beautiful day!


I wish everyday was JUST like today!

Could not ask for a more beautiful day to just enjoy!

Blue skies, slight breeze, and just the perfect weather!

There was NO doubt we were going to stay inside so we soaked it up by hitting the JSU softball game!

JSU played an awesome game and won! We actually didnt watch very much of it just because we were to busy playing with the twins and chatting! :)

My little crew waiting on the game to start!
Two gals just chilling!
The new softball field looks great...even though Tyler wishes his grass was back!
So, we took over the outfield! We set up camp! ha!
The little people did everything under the sun..besides watch the game! They picked flowers, threw the frisbee, ran, kicked the ball, threw balls, blew bubbles and more! :) They packed a lot of things into a 2 hour time frame!
Alexis helping teach Cassell how to actually blow the bubbles! Not sure if she caught on or if the wind helped! :)
Then picnic time....popcorn for the win! Such a great Friday!
THEN....Tyler and I enjoyed THIS AUsome game and watched the BIG win while Lex and Lily enjoyed the movie Wonder Park with Gran and Ben!
A GREAT ending to a GREAT day!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

That time when...

TOOO funny not to itself!

This cracked me UP! :) :)

That time when.....

Lily walked a duck!


So, she went up to this duck.....
And they just started walking together!
It was hilarious!
They just strolled! :) It would stop, she would stop. It would go, she would go. It would look back to see if she was there and then keep walking. Lily would get ahead, it would catch up!
It would go a little faster....she would go a little faster too!
Way tooo funny! I guess you just had to be there and see it! Its like she was a duck whisperer! bahaha!
It finally decided it wanted to go in the water and it swam off. Just glad Lily didnt go in after it! ha! :)


It has been an absolutely AUsome Spring break so far!

We have had tons of relaxation, fun at home, fun with friends, beautiful weather and even a small get-a-way!


And the week isnt even done yet! It can FOR SURE slow down though!

We saw a REAL mermaid!
You KNOW you have swam waaayyyyyy tooooo long....when your whole body looks like this! YUCK! I have NEVER seen someone soooo shriveled than Lily! bahaha! Gross! :)
We cleaned up and heading to an early dinner! Outback....OH.MY.GOODNESS.
So, Alexis went to the bathroom to pull a she could fully enjoy her steak! She did what she needed to do! The Tooth Fairy even comes on vacation! :)
We had some time to kill before the AU softball game so we went out to see where the tornado hit several weeks back. We didnt find the damage {we didnt drive around long enough} so we just made our way to pay our respects to the people who lost their lives. It was surreal. President Trump came to this same location to pay his respects with Mrs. Trump so that was neat. Crazy to think our little town was hit by a tornado almost an exact year from this one where it took so many lives.
Then...softball time! I cant believe I have NEVER been to an Auburn softball game! WHAT?!?! I know! I LOVED playing softball so for me to never even go to one while I was in school just blows my mind. I have no idea why...but glad this was my first! We had a great time and Auburn played awesome! It was a great day for a game and an exciting game!
So, we thought the game started at 5:00pm {even what our tickets said} but nope, we were an hour and almost 45 minutes EARLY! bahaha! We kept wondering why NO one was there but us! ha! But we made the best of it and before we knew it, the game did start! :)
This one.........had cotton candy everywhere!
Then, the next day...back at it again! Right up their alley! They LOVE this indoor pool!
And............OHHHHH....right up my alley! THIS! I got to have my 1st facial and experience it in this new Spa! OH, I loved!
Then, we got cleaned up and heading to SURGE to jump and exert TONS more energy! :)
I was surprised at how it was crowded on a mid Thursday! Not sure if their schools were out for Spring break or not but despite it being more crowded than we have seen, they still had a blast!
Next stop...Newks! LET me TELL you! These two.....LOVE....I mean...LOVE some Newks! They both REFUSED to look at for a picture for me....because they just wanted to EAT! :)
So, then we headed home! A small but super fun trip! We headed to Lily's soccer practice next! We hit a fun park since the day was soooo beautiful before practice...only to find out, there was no practice after all! So, we headed home and started laundry! :) Such a fun mid-week trip!

Monday, March 25, 2019

Lex's day!

So yesterday, we were low key and did a staycation at home pretty much the entire day!

So, today was Lex's day to 'do whatever she wanted!'

She chose lunch {she chose Zaxby's} then some shopping and to cap it all off, a trip to Starbucks before heading home!

It was another beautiful day so we loaded up and made the most of the day!

She was READY to do her own ordering! She knows exactly what she wants every.single.time. :)
Once we were home, this one got out her mermaid tail to practice for when we leave for Auburn! She looks sooo adorable in it! :)
Lily the Mermaid! :)
Then....there was silence in their bedrooms...well, in Alexis' bedroom....
so then they came out and showed me how they had done their make up. And how Alexis stole my mascara! OH these two!
Yeah....Lily and her way tooo much eye shadow and Alexis with the stolen mascara and way toooo much lipstick. :)

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Lily's day!

So today was beautiful.

It is also the 1st day of 'official' Spring break!

We dont have any 'big' plans for Spring break but we are going to soak it up and enjoy it!

So today, Lily got to pick what we did!

She chose the following:

Picnic McDonalds lunch by the creek followed by playing at the park with friends and then a trial ride to Turtle Lake!

It was perfection!

Such a great day for a picnic!
Then play time! Lily loved swinging in this swing with all the 'little kids!' She acted SO big! :) Collins loved her swinging with her!
Alexis wanted to 'babysit' for a little bit with Jack!
Then she helped him enjoy his 1st swing ride!
Lily swinging Calhoun!
Love this one of mine!
Cassell kept asking Alexis to play with her....and sing the ABC's with her! ha! Alexis did just that with her!
Time for some bike riding!
Checking out the turtles! Such a beautiful and great 1st day!

Thumbs up!

We did a BIG thumbs up yesterday as Spring break kicked off and...

alllll A's on the report cards!

Whoop whoop!

We celebrated by letting the girls choose where to eat for dinner.

You dont have to ask where they chose. Moes.......OF course! :)

So proud of her! She has rocked 5th grade so far! She has had a great year!
This little  one has rocked 1st grade also! So proud of her!
They brought home their Spring pictures! I never buy these pictures....and I DID know that it was picture day on the day they had them....but chose not to care to 'dress the girls up.' So, they werent too happy with me for them 'not looking right' for pictures! ha!
See...both of them had on 'sporty' looking outfits! :)

Thursday, March 21, 2019

She's baaacckkk!

Soccer season is here!

Lily is super PUMPED!

She loves soccer!

Soccer is FOR sure her thing with how she is SO fast and has SO much energy!

I am super excited about the season!

She was ready and EXCITED! :)
Having so much fun!
Meeting her new teammates!
She picked up right like she hasnt had a break!
Our soccer star!
Lily is super excited to be back out at Anniston PARD. We think it is a great place for her to grow with her love and learning for it! And...she is back with her same old coach and her sweet friend Devin! Its going to be a great season!