Saturday, March 9, 2019

Before the storm

OH, today was a beautiful Saturday! Sunny...high 72! Perfection!

Tonight and into tomorrow we are supposed to have alot of {more} rain {boo, we just have not been able to catch a break in months it seems} so we soaked up today while we could!

We started the morning off with a sad moment. So, there is no more Lex and SP.

Yeah, talk about sad!

Sam-Parker is the sweetest little guy and has been nothing but a gentleman to Alexis while they have been 'boyfriend/girlfriend!'

So, I get a text from Missy that says SP is upset and was wondering if I knew anything because he hasnt wanted to talk about it.

I had NO clue what she was talking about...

so, I talked to Alexis.

Come to find out, Alexis {with the help of Chloe. Apparently Chloe and Alexis came up with this idea before P.E.} {Lesson learned that Alexis doesnt need to rely on her friends to help her out with decision making or assistance with tough situations apparently...} {anyways} went up to Sam-Parker {as Chloe was with her {to help her out}} at P.E. and said

'SP, is it okay that I dont like you anymore?'


Poor SP! {No wonder he didnt want to talk about it because he was mortified!}

So, when I found out she had treated him like this and did what she

She told me that she just didnt know how to 'handle' it.....and that she just decided she likes him as 'a friend.' That her and Chloe came up with what they thought was the best way to let him know and so, that is what they did. Walked right up to him, said what she did......and walked off. The end.

Needless to say............we HAD A LONG talk. {Ranging from everything to its okay if you just want to be friends with him, you can always talk to me if you need help figuring out how to handle a tough situation, think before you do something 'big' as to how it will affect others, to, always be, maybe, not go by everything.single.thing.Chloe.suggests.} {Yeah, we had a long talk}

I think she has realized that if the shoe was on the other foot that she would have been SO upset and hurt and that you just dont act like that towards someone especially since he has been SO nice to her and likes her SO much!

Broke my heart because I really did think she wouldnt have acted in that manner to him {or anyone for that matter}

Poor Alexis. She is getting in tougher phases of life with tougher situations and trying to figure it all out and everything. It is alot. And hard.

I get it.

Though she handled it wrong, she is 'new' to all of this and BOY, she has a long road ahead of her and alot more experiences ahead. Though she may not have handled everything 'perfectly' I think she has realized that no matter what...

to always be kind and respectful.

So, she text SP and apologized and I think they are 'okay' now.

So, needless to say.....

I wish there was a manual to read on exactly how to be a parent! ha! :)

So, we got past that 'drama'.................................................

and NEEDED to get outside and soak up the beautiful day especially since a 'real' storm was coming later! :)

OH me! :)

Life is made of lessons....

and Lex, for sure, learned one today.

So, we got ready.....and headed to a later lunch and then hit the land in Piedmont just to 'get away!'

It was perfection!

We tried out Kirks in Piedmont for the 1st time and it was OH so good! The best hamburgers for the win for all of us!
OH the creek was perfection! It was high....and looked like a great moment just to go float!
 Daddy found a tree that he wants to cut up!
 Then....some shooting going on!
 Checking out their shots! Lily got a BULLSEYE! Whoo hoooo! {Yes, Alexis has her shirt off! She claimed she was super hot! We were out in the middle of nowhere, in a cow we let it go!} :)
 And...Lily made a TON of wishes!...{per her} Wonder what all they were!?
 Blowing hard!
 And, they are all gone!
 The girls practiced their driving skills around the land before heading home and just relaxing the rest of the day! As I type this, it is getting darker {due to the storm} and I can hear the rumble of thunder!
The girls quickly changed clothes and helped Daddy wash off his truck as it was soooooo dirty!

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