Saturday, March 16, 2019

Well hello!


I feel like it has been awhile and that I am slacking on posting here lately!...

Well, so what have we been up to?

We celebrated Sam Parker's birthday at The Factory, had school work, homework, tests, work, and all the other regular work week items!

Tyler and the girls celebrated Pawpaw's birthday last night at Longhorn with everyone as his birthday is today!

Meanwhile, Emily, Misty and I set out for Ross Bridge and had the best.....and MUCH needed girl's night away! We loaded up after work and headed to Bham for dinner before heading to our room. We slept in, enjoyed breakfast before heading to our appointment for our massage!

OH sooooo wonderful!

We got cleaned up after and hit lunch before coming back to reality! :)

I literally threw my stuff in the kitchen and we all headed to Tammy's surprise 40th birthday party! Once we were finished with her party...we all came home and crashed the rest of the night!

We did alot of birthday celebrating this week!

OH just so sweet! They are still real good friends and we love SP so OF course we were going to celebrate his birthday!
The girl squad at the party! Literally it was alllll boys and they allllll played dodge ball the entire time! These three had fun doing all the other activities that The Factory has to offer! :)
OOOOhhhh....well hello there!
Super nice!
Much needed!
OH, I loved!
We enjoyed the steam room and the hot tub as well as their sitting area with fruit, etc before our massage time. It was SUPER relaxing!
Just sitting right in that chair....perfection!
Came home and enjoyed the fun 40th birthday surprise! It was soooo sweet of Stephen to surprise is bride! :)

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