Monday, March 4, 2019

Girl's night!

It has been a couple of days since I have posted!

Not because I havent had anything to post about, its just that I havent found the time to sit down to do it...or did I take any pictures? NOPE!

So, slacked this past weekend!

To start off....

Friday, I started off my day SUPER bright and early as a group of us headed to MY MOST favorite place to tour and see how the campus is laid out so we can start getting some ideas for our new JSU building and campus! It was a great tour and I LOVED walking around my old stomping ground! We finished the great visit with MY MOST favorite place to eat before heading home! Amsterdam Cafe NEVER disappoints! Then, I had a girl's night with some friends just having an appetizer dinner and 'game' night! It was great just chatting and laughing with some sweet and hilarious friends at Tammy's house! A FANTASTIC Friday!

Then, Saturday, Tyler and I were up bright and early and as soon as the rain cleared, we cut down and cleared 3 trees in our side yard. about dying! WHEW! I got a work-out that totaled 3 weeks {per tree} :) as I helped Tyler lug all those tree stumps and limbs to the street curb!
Then Lily W and Willa Kate rode their bikes over so the girls enjoyed being outside as it turned into a beautiful and sunny day! And, to cap off the night, we headed over to the Stone's house for a dinner that had some delicious food! There was a big crowd so we enjoyed seeing co-workers and neighborhood friends before coming home and crashing from a busy day! end the weekend, we had Church, then lunch, then the girls and Tyler spent the afternoon at the REC Center while I had a Church meeting and then came home to do fun 'chores' while they were gone!

So, WHEW....

busy but full of friends, food, and fun this past weekend!



we had a fun girl's night at the Oxford Performing Arts Center!

We picked up Willa Kate and headed to dinner then enjoyed the play!

It was a great girl's night!

We hit Panda Express and it was OH so yummy! My view from the table!
And the other side of the table!
Popovich! It was a great show!
My girls!
Willa Kate and the Laws!
Ready for the show!
Lily was my chair buddy!
It was a very entertaining show! Lily said that she is going to work on Aubie doing some of the tricks that the cats did! We shall see if he does any of them! ha!

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