Thursday, March 28, 2019

That time when...

TOOO funny not to itself!

This cracked me UP! :) :)

That time when.....

Lily walked a duck!


So, she went up to this duck.....
And they just started walking together!
It was hilarious!
They just strolled! :) It would stop, she would stop. It would go, she would go. It would look back to see if she was there and then keep walking. Lily would get ahead, it would catch up!
It would go a little faster....she would go a little faster too!
Way tooo funny! I guess you just had to be there and see it! Its like she was a duck whisperer! bahaha!
It finally decided it wanted to go in the water and it swam off. Just glad Lily didnt go in after it! ha! :)

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