Sunday, March 10, 2019

This and that!

So, a little of 'this and that' that we have been up to lately!

Whew, I am loving a new class I tried! It is kicking my booty....and OH, it is fun!
This made my week! I got this sweet girl, and her brother, a little fun treat and OH, that smile is the sweetest!
And today, we loaded up after our Church and headed to the Korean Church to support Ezra and Rachel as they are attending this Church and helping to preach and play the piano until they find a new preacher. We wanted to show them that we miss them and want to wish them the best as they are taking this new challenge on!

To talk about an experience! WOW! They love the Lord! Sing beautifully and just were so welcoming and hospitable! We really enjoyed it.....however Alexis {and all of us for that matter} could not understand any of it! :) They had an interpreter but..ya know, it was what it was. It was great to experience something new and to show support for a great family!
Yeah, this was the program! :) Hmmm...... :) :) They even had lunch for us after so we all sat and enjoyed lunch! We actually even learned that the {big} family that owns YUME, China Luck and Isshin all go to that Church! The owner of Isshin is SO nice and is always so welcoming when we go eat there so it was nice to see and talk to him and his sweet wife!

It was a great day!

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