Sunday, January 2, 2022

FUN Day at Sea!

 We had such amazing weather! The ship has SO much to do and FULL of stuff to keep the girls entertained. COVID rules didnt affect anything we did and wearing masks really didnt even bother us because the only time we wore them were to the elevators to room or to where we ate. 

The days of Tyler and I just laying on a beach chair and doing nothing but getting a over. Remember this is the girl's first cruise. Tyler and I have been on....oh say...10.... so my thoughts of getting a ton of towels...find a spot to put all the things...and enjoy relaxing... was over! It was a good just kind of stunk for me because I had ALL the things. I was loaded down.......pretty much every where we went {even off the ship} well...the girls and Tyler liked to call me the 'Nanny' {because there were families that brought nanny's and they all looked like me carrying all the things} :) Well...when we were leaving the Bahamas, this Bohemian lady actually looked at me and in an excited voice she goes 'So youre the Nanny?!' {Because my hat said Old Navy....she read it as 'Nanny' because it was kind of bent and hard to read.} BOY................they didnt let me live that down the rest of the trip! {Shake my head!} :)

THIS was super cool! There were two different slides to choose from! The girls loved this! They would race to the top and then pick which one they wanted to do and then race back up to do the other!

Coming down from the slides!

Both girls did awesome doing this! It was fun watching everyone try it out...and crash out too! ha!

I mean...Im not saying this because they are mine...but both girls were pros and did better than any of the others we saw!

The instructor person would tell them what trick to do and how to do it! SO fun!

Lily acted like she had done it her whole life!


Always time for ice cream!

Then....we threw on some clothes and did the huge rock wall!
Talk about PRO status......this guy went allllll the way to the top! I went half way and knocked a chunk of my elbow off on the rock so I swung down. The girls made it both half way up too...but this guy...all the way up!
Making her climb!
Time to get cleaned up and ready for dinner! Our first night we dressed up and got fancy! :)
OH the dinner choices! We all LOVED getting to have allll the options and trying all the fun foods! It was a highlight of our trip!
Why does she have to look so grown!
This one loved trying new well as having her plate of pepperoni pizza too!
Our last land view. This picture doesnt do it justice as all. It was breathtaking with all the beautiful lights! Miami at night was amazing!
After dinner we put on some comfy clothes...enjoyed a show and then hit the arcade before going to bed!

Yeah he won bragging rights............goodness! :)

Both girls loved choosing what games they wanted to play! We had such a fun...Fun Day at Sea!

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