Sunday, January 9, 2022

Our weekend!

 Our weekend has been pretty low key! 

Lex started County basketball tournament with the JHS girl's basketball team playing White Plains at Alexandria. They didnt win so they do not advance on but the JHS boys begin the tournament Tuesday. I have a feeling they will make it far since their season was undefeated. We shall see come Tuesday!

Lex and I made our way to do some errands including finding her dress for the upcoming pageant and a WalMart run to cap it off! 

All the while, Daddy and Lily worked in the yard at home {despite the cold} laying out pine straw and hanging her hammock! She has been wanting to hang it since she got it but due to it being soooo cold, it just hasnt worked out. 

She was pumped to get to lay in it! She said Tickles jumped up and laid on her and took a nap! :)

Loving it!

We went over to the Messer's for dinner along with the Rays later on and then today, we headed to Church and are now curled up because BABY it is cold outside.....and misting rain. YUCK!

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