Sunday, January 2, 2022

Kicking off 2022! Crusin the Bahamas!

 Well...we are officially two days into 2022!

What have we done you ask??

Just about nothing!

I have done allllll the things such as unpacking, washing 50 loads of clothes, cleaning, taking down all Christmas, get the picture!

Tyler has been helping........the girls.......well...they have just been living their best life of taking naps, watching movies, their friends came over yesterday and they played outside (yes a beautiful 75 degree day!) 

We all have to be back in the real world come is supposed to be full of rain/ plan is do nothing today, myself! :)

Sooo...WHAT have we been up to?!?!

Just cruisin the Bahamas the day after Christmas! 

That's all!

So, let me begin.

We got up bright and early Sunday, the day after Christmas, loaded up and set out for our trek to Port Canaveral Florida. We had to do our COVID testing first. Well...we get to Walgreens 15 minutes before our set appointment time of 9:30...........................and there was NO ONE at Walgreens. We thought...well...we are a little early... well come 9:45am, still nothing. Come to find out...they didnt open until 10:00. So needless to say...I had some words with why we were scheduled for 9:30 and had to sit for over 30 minutes. They really didnt care, we got our tests {which was a breeze} and we finally took off! Well, the traffic {remind you, the day after Christmas} was horrendous and I mean BAD! We sat in two wrecks, one over 2 hours in itself. By the time we stopped to eat lunch and dinner...we didnt get down to our hotel until 11:00pm. BUT...we made it and we had all of Monday to do fun things before boarding the ship at 2:00! We soaked up the scenery...checked out the beach...had lunch..did some shopping and then made our way to the ship! We had a slight issue {what do you know..WALGREENS!...their website was down so we couldnt access our COVID results but finally got that taken care of....and we were set to SAIL AWAY!}

Coco Beach was beautiful! We kicked off our shoes and enjoyed the ocean for a little bit! The weather was AMAZING the whole trip! Like we were in a different world!

And..........YEP.....we all wore matching shirts on our first day! :) :)

We made it on the SHIP! We checked out allll the things once we got our luggage to our rooms!

This was our view the rest of the afternoon!

The girls LOVED this! This HUGE ball like structure was at the top of the ship and it had this in it! They loved doing the virtual jumping!

Lily really loved it!
Had to have another our matching shirts! You know I took full advantage of this! :)

We literally checked out ALL the areas!

Of course they had ice cream....a couple of times.......while we waited to set sail!

Caught the sunset before night swimming the rest of the night until we crashed! We got up and was ready for our FUN day at sea the next day!

Swimming their hearts out!

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