Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Soccer is 2!

 Soccer was born sometime in December..........we got him sometime in February....

so we celebrated him turning 2....right now...the end of January! :)

He is a BALL of energy! That cat is a mess! He will run around our house like he's lost his mind! He will bound up on Tyler's recliner and it is just a rocking back and forth because of it and then he will jump off it and take off running into the dining room and slide the chair out from the table because he jumps on it so hard from running so fast.

He loves to cuddle. Loves Lily. Loves to rub against our legs. Loves Aubie and loves to torture him most of the time. They love to play together but then Soccer will get rough and try and jump on Aubie (which he doesnt like) so then it starts going downhill from there! :)

We love you Soccer and happy 2nd birthday!

He loves to curl up!

Loves his favorite human and loves for her to scratch his head and under his chin!

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