Sunday, January 9, 2022


 The girls received their report cards this Friday and in no surprise they were perfection!

Lily came home with all A's and 1 B. The B was an 89....soooo....we count that as an A! :)

Alexis came home with all A's and 1 B also! 

With all they do and with how busy we are, keeping their grades up like they do isnt easy and they knock it out of the park! 

So proud!

Alexis wouldnt allow a picture..............but this girl did!

What makes me most what Lily's teacher wrote on her report card! Makes my heart explode!

Her report card says....

'Lily is a precious young lady. Such a big helper to me!'  That is what makes me MOST proud of her!

I will never forget my Dad's words. He may not be the smartest in the class but what counts most is how you try and how you follow instructions and do what youre supposed to. 

Lily is a perfect example of that!

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