Sunday, January 2, 2022

Perfect day!

 When you ask someone....describe a perfect day...

well....we can literally say.... we had a perfect day!

A Perfect day in Coco Cay!

Off the ship and READY to go!

The girls could not believe how big the ship really is! They were both amazed at the size!

A Perfect DAY!

I cant even describe the weather! It was beyond perfection! The breeze.....the sun...all of it was fabulous!

My view! Lily played and played!

And...played some more! There were water slides and splash pads and TONS of food....all the things we did and had so much fun!

The girls loved finding all the shells! What was funny was....some of the cruise workers {remind you...they are foreign and from different countries...} kept coming up to us admiring how beautiful and unique some were and asking us if we were going to sell them {because of how the girls had them 'displayed' on the table!} It was funny to see them and know their mindset!


And...this one too!

We came back to the cleaned up and took a picture of alllll the towel animals! The girls loved seeing all the different ones each night!

They were super excited to see the elephant with Daddy's hat and glasses on it! And the monkey hanging from the previous night in the back!
Our fancy picture! :)
We enjoyed another show after dinner and crashed after this night because we had a full day!

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