Saturday, December 25, 2021

Our Christmas day!

 Today was a beautiful Christmas day!

It was around 70 degrees....which is unheard of! Most people want cold and want snow....but I am not a cold weathered person. I would much rather it be like today where people can enjoy being outside together than freezing!

After we checked out alllll the Christmas goodies from...Santa...which is now known to be Momma and Daddy...we got cleaned up and headed to Nan and Pawpaw's for Christmas lunch with Brandi and Minnie. 

Nan made a ton of goodness that we enjoyed before opening gifts and playing Pawpaw's Christmas game!


We went to Nannie's to visit for a little bit before getting home and......TALK about madhouse packing! My goodness...I am a planner and I do not do things on the packing the night before a big trip...has thrown me! :) I am actually writing this post as I am thinking the 25 things I still need to do before I go to bed and we leave in the morning!........BUT....I will get it all done! :)

Our Christmas girls!

 Lily was pumped for her hammock!

Alexis opening gifts!

The crew!

 This was so fun! Pawpaw worked so hard and came up with this fun game on his own! Look at his homemade ornaments! Lily was SO excited!

Making sweet memories! Lily won.................then Alexis came away with the most money! ha!

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