Monday, December 20, 2021

Just a little life lately!

 We have been soaking up our time off and the great weather too! I mean almost 70 degrees in the middle of December!!

Lily has been LOVING alllll the friends in our neighborhood. There was a time...not too long ago...that she was just too young to go off with her friends. BUT now....her and her friends are old enough and they are living their BEST life! Literally they play ALL day...ALL afternoon and just have the best time!

This was round one! ha! Now that Brody and Bryant live behind us.....this is my view everyday...literally. Lily is constantly staring out the window looking to see if they are outside. As soon as she sees them...she takes off!

Same day...round two! Usually they are all together but on this day..the boys had to leave and then the girls showed up!

All the laughter is my favorite!

Alexis finished up allllll the basketball games until the school year starts back. She loves cheering for basketball. I love watching her....just not basketball. Its not really my thing. :)

Love when we get to see her. Most of the time she sits down where we cant see her.

We went to the JSU basketball game (like we cant get enough of basketball) though it was a great game and JSU beat Florida International in a very exciting game!

Lily and Lex both found friends and ditched us! Lily ended up on the jumbotron....dancing and having the best time!

It was such a beautiful night...a couple of nights we enjoyed a beautiful night outside (again in the middle of December) eating Heirloom together as a family! The lights....the square's food...such a fun night!

My side of the table!

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