Sunday, December 5, 2021

Lily's Dirty Santa night!

 As the yearly tradition goes....Carrie and I host the 'Littles' and the 'Bigs' Dirty Santa party! I had the 'littles' last year but since I had the Fairy hair, I decided to host them again!

They had a blast playing Christmas games, dancing to Christmas music, eating, playing Dirty Santa and just laughing and hanging out with each other!

Sweet friends and sweet memories!

They are just growing up too fast and really arent 'little' anymore!

So while they were having fun...Alexis and her friends were having a blast too! I dont have any pictures from her party but heard alllll about it and how much fun she had eating, hanging with friends, playing Dirty Santa and making Tik Toks! You know those teenage girls.....and Tik Toks! :)

All the girls!

They loved this! They had to match the picture with the Christmas letter to make the Christmas word!

Dirty Santa time!

They played so well! No crying...they understood how to 'steal' and 'freeze'............they had fun!
Love this trio!
All the cuties!

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