Thursday, December 23, 2021

Our annual Coco-Jammie Christmas light night!

 It is such a fun tradition! We always pick a night....load up....blast Elvis Christmas in Daddy's truck....listen to him belt out Blue Christmas, get goodies {this time we got all the good stuff/drinks at Dugger Mountain} and go around town looking at Christmas lights!

I think it is so fun to drive around and see all the hard work everyone puts in decorating their homes!

We surprised the girls...and Nan and Pawpaw...when we went to their neighborhood! Their's is the best out of every neighborhood we see!

 Earlier in the day I picked up this one from Aunt Pam's house. Lily had a blast spending the night with them and decorating cookies before picking her up! She loves her Aunt Pam!

Our Christmas light night!

Dugger Mountain was SO cute decorated!....and always soooo good!

My favorite color is Christmas lights! LOVE! :)

We saw some really great decorated houses! This was our most favorite! I mean, their own radio channel and the lights going along with the music! SO fun!

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