Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas from us!

 As we close out 2021, I look back in time from this year and reflect it as a good year despite still being in a pandemic and knowing how the world is just becoming cold and uncaring. Overall, seeing the brightness and being thankful that my little family and I have had a good year is what is most important!

Merry Christmas!

Our annual Christmas eve picture....with alll our cats! :) BOO...that the sunlight was coming through the blinds....on Lily's face as we were taking the pictures and didnt know it until we had put everything up and struggled with even getting the cats to sit still! So....we didnt try again! :)

And here her smile looks extra big due to the sun! BOO!............

So...we settled on this remake with our phone once Nannie came over! She went to Church with us and then over to Grans!

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