Saturday, December 25, 2021

Christmas morning!

 Our Christmas morning consisted of telling Lily last night...........that she was not allowed to come out of her room until at least 6:30!

She was opening Alexis' door at 6:30 on the DOT telling her to wake up...get UP...and its time for presents!

Even though we didnt do 'Santa' this year...the girls still had that same Christmas morning feeling....and so did I! It meant alot! :)

 First 10 years...I didnt stay up super late to put out gifts! Woke up this morning, put it out...and BAM...ready!

Two excited girls!

Checking out allll the goodies!
I have to think....both girls....think we are cooler than Santa! :) ha!

Talk about shocked! Leaving for a cruise to the Bahamas.............TOMORROW! Say what!

Yeah...Lily.....being 100% Lily.....immediately said... 'I KNEW it! I am not stupid...I knew we were going on a cruise!' {Yeah....cant keep anything from that girl!} Insert...shake my head!...

She was really excited, though she did want us to know that she figured it out....but was shocked that we were leaving so soon! At least we got her on something! :) 

Stay tuned! We still have Nan, Pawpaw and Brandi's Christmas coming up in a little bit!

We are sad...this year we are not having Christmas with all the crew {Mal, Meg, LaLa, etc} since they are doing Christmas with the other halves' family and because Mal and her little family are in Baltimore. We always have so much fun with them and will miss them!

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