Monday, December 6, 2021

Always sing your song! Alexis' first Choir concert!

 The day Alexis found out that I registered her to be in Choir for school when she saw her schedule......OH MY she was MAD at me! MAD! She did NOT want to do it...she couldnt believe that I would put her in that class and that she was not going to sing in front of anyone....


fast forward...........

she apologized..........LOVES Choir and absolutely SHINED tonight during her first concert!

Last year...because of COVID, she didnt get to have a concert....well...this year we got to watch her and OH I just loved hearing her sing!


She is just growing...and beautiful...and I could go on and on! They sang a song titled Always Sing your Song. I pray she always sings her song and has God's light shine from within her!

Alexis was so excited Chloe joined Choir this year.
My 8th grader

The Choir was small but MY goodness...they sang so good!

Great performance!

The watch party....minus me... :)

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