Monday, December 20, 2021

Morris family Christmas!

 Always a good time when we have the Morris family Christmas!

Last year, due to COVID, we didnt get to have it but BOY we made up for it this year! Jada hosted and had good food...and fun Christmas games! We had the best time!

This picture is priceless! Tyler came in 3rd! For a guy....he came in 1st! ha! His drawing was REALLY good!...........especially for the way he had to draw it! :)

Lily played and played this! Cindy taught her chop sticks and once she got it down...that all she did!
This is what we had to do to draw our Christmas picture! ha!
Then...we had to turn Nannie, Bobbie and Melvin into Christmas trees! Lily was working soooo hard to do  Nannie! The rest of this team failed them! ha!
Some of the crew!

More of the crew!

After Christmas trees....we had to do reindeer! We were all broke into 3 teams and these were our leaders! ha! I have to team...Team Melvin WON! We dominated all the games!

Soooo funny!
The oldest ones there! ha! We had so much fun!

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