Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Life lately!

 Whew.....we have been busy...and doing fun things to get us in the holiday spirit too!

We had a School event for Christmas at the new Big Time Entertainment this past week and it was so much fun! We had food, bowled and rode the go-carts! I havent been since they just opened and it was really nice! My girls were jealous so we are going to need to take them sometime. It was fun!

Lily and I went to the Nutcracker and it is always a fun time! Lily loved watching all of her friends that danced in it especially Madelyn!
Lily has been busy with Christmas dress up days at school this week! This day was Christmas sock day so she wore her socks outside her jeans! :)

Michale Buble........and Christmas favorite! Lily and I curled up under cozy blankets with the Christmas lights on watching...perfection!

 We had our last Church Wednesday night for the year and the kids had so much fun....and bonus....parents got to come for the fun and dinner too!

 Lily has been loving doing all the fun things with Ella Jingle since she is now in charge! This was one of Lily's doings with her! :)

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