Monday, June 12, 2023

A friend weekend-they actually slept!

 Both girls claim they havent gotten to see their friends allll Summer, though Summer has just really started and they have.


to let them 'have friend time'...............and to get it out of the way so hopefully the rest of the Summer I can say, 'see you had spend the night company'............ both girls had friends over Friday night!

They were all actually really good and I love them all like my own so it was fine and they all had the best time!

I LOVE my view from my window. My most favorite thing! I love the deck, the yard, the patio, the lights, the view of the trampoline and swings....all of it! I LOVE seeing my girls out there jumping and doing who knows what just laughing and playing! I love seeing them with their friends too! Can you spot three girls? P is in the hot tub and then Lauren and Lily are jumping with the sprinkler on. They were all bouncing from one spot to the other just having so much fun together and enjoying a great Summer night!

They wore themselves out being outside so they came in and showered and I checked in on them doing this...having a 'spa treatment!' Not sure what all concoctions they had but they were having fun so I let them be! They curled up and started a movie about 10:00pm and two of the three fell asleep so the other one...........said she was going to bed! ha! I wont name names but Lily was actually the one that didnt fall asleep first!

These two cranked up the Taylor Swift album on the Alexa and painted ALLLLL night! It was midnight and they were still singing and talking and laughing and painting. They were in this spot all night just making memories! I had them cut the Alexa down and I just went to bed! 

Tyler was a trooper, poor guy he is working on his papers for his Finance class so he was in the basement so he didnt have to hear the Taylor Swift concert in the kitchen. :)

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