Monday, June 12, 2023

Cousins and VBS!

 The rest of our weekend consisted of popping over to B'ham to do some much needed shopping for ALL the things DD and Summer before having dinner with Meg and Mal!

OH it was good for my heart!

I just love them and it was so good to just sit and chat and enjoy dinner and holding two sweet babies!

We had the best time and got our 'Birmingham' fix taken care of! :)

Maggie! I just have no words! She is the absolute sweetest! She was just so happy and talked to us and clapped her hands (that is what she was doing in the picture!) She loved Lily holding her and would lay her sweet little head against Lily's chest. It was adorable!

And Miles..........OH my has he grown since we first met him! Ahh...time just flies way too fast! We loved our dinner guests with us for sure! 

After Church we met Nan, Pawpaw, and Brandi for Father's day lunch since we will be out of town. We havent eaten at The Classic in awhile and it was delicious! 

And then....last night kicked off VBS at our Church for the week! Lily is pumped, she has the JSU REC Center camp again this week and then VBS all week. She is going to be one worn out girl...but she wont care one bit! Then next............BEACH! We.are.ready. :)

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