Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Camp time!

 Both girls headed off to camp yesterday and both SUPER excited!

Lex has been gearing up and getting ready for cheer camp for months so the time has officially arrived for her and her team to head to the University of Alabama!

Lily has looked forward to going to 4-H camp again since she went last year!

Cant wait to hear all about all their fun when they are back!

She had to get up before the sun but was ready and excited!

The Sophomores!
The whole crew!
Roomie, Abby, and Alexis. So excited to room together!
Lily had to be dropped off later than Alexis! She was soooo excited to see Jaycee, Ella, Brighton, Rachel and Reese there to go to camp with! She is going to have such a great time!

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