Friday, June 30, 2023

Lily's 4-H camp!

 Lily had the BEST time at 4-H camp!

She loved it and cant wait to go next summer, which will be her last one!

So glad she had great friends with her and that they made tons of memories!

Love her little group!

She talked all about wanting to do this again this year!
Having fun!
All the girls!

Time to eat!

Another fun day!

This year they stayed in a cabin. Lily said she didnt like this as much as last time because there were more people so it was louder. When she is ready for bed...........she is ready and doesnt want anyone or anything to stop it! :)

Swim time!

Sweet memories in the making!
All the girls!
So excited about Kona Ice! So glad she had this time and had so much fun!
She loved archery!
The group!

Foam party for the win!

She had NO fun at all! Cant you tell! :)

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