Friday, June 9, 2023

Change is hard, though it is a part of life

 Lily has had the biggest change but all of us got news that we didnt think we would hear.

Change can be sad. Change can be hard. Change can be good and then it can also be bad, however, change is needed and it helps you grow so we will embrace the new changes and hold the memories in our heart and not say goodbye, but see you soon!

The Messer's told us the news and we are SO excited for them but SO sad that they are moving to Texas! Emily will become a President of an University out there so we wont get to see them as much as we have but we will still get to visit, do trips with them and see them when they come home!

The best of little friends! I love the bond that my girls have with the Messer girls! They are like sisters! They play so well together and just constantly laugh and just have fun together!

Look at them now. We are sad to not have them closer but we will still be a part of their lives and continue to make memories together!

This group. We have become so close and travel buddies! It may look different but we will make it happen and work as best we can! 

And, the Fritts are moving too! Though they wont be far and the girls will still get to hang out with them, it will be different with them no longer in our neighborhood or the girls seeing them at school. They are moving to White Plains for a new adventure there! Lily has taken both of the news harder than the rest of us because Madelyn, Camille, and Callie are her best friends and have been the longest too but she is a trooper and knows that it will all be fine and she'll still get to see them too!

Friends since they were babies! Though Lily is sad she wont be in her class anymore, they wont be far away so they will still be able to see each other unlike the Messer's that we wont as much.

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