Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Halloween 2023!

 I love Halloween!

This year looked different as my girls are 'grown' now and had alll the I didnt even see Alexis. She came home from cheer practice and then was GONE until 10:00 living her best life with her friends at two different Halloween parties! She said she had a great time so that is what matters I guess! :)

Lily....according to her....was 'forced' to stay with us and eat and then she took off with her friends! Her group did stop by for candy and a picture before taking off for more Halloween fun! :)

I did get to have some children fun....and walked with Cassell and Calhoun for a bit before parking it behind my candy table because I LOVE seeing all the trick or treaters and giving out candy....and talking/chatting with everyone who comes up! :)

We had the best night, though, and always love our Halloween fun!

Lily did it all by herself! She worked HARD! It was a tough one and it turned out great!

Alexis always does creative ones!

My pumpkin loving girls!

This cutie! He just wanted to run around and play tag and have fun! :)

Love these three and alllll these pumpkins!

My favorite!

 You can see the pumpkins lit better with the flash off!

LOVE my mantle!

 She sent me this show she dressed up! :) before hitting all her Halloween time fun!

 Her costume looked SO cute on her! She had about 13 that she couldnt decide on!

Our table! FUNNY note! So this cute...cute little boy that looked about in the 1st grade came up and I asked him...what does the sign say?

He steps back and looks at it as he is reading it....

and says....Im watching you....only 6 pieces!'

I said....what??!?!

It says....6 pieces?!

He steps back and reads it again and then goes...'Yes, 6 pieces!' (as he is picking out his 6!)

I say..'Doesnt it really say 2?! and he goes...'No..a 6 has a swirl and a 2 doesnt!' 

So..that was it! I told him...yep, get your 6 that is your favorite and that is what he did! :)

Notice...the '2' it has a 'swirl' in it...... is a 6! ha! :)

I made my green brains and bloody eyeball spaghetti when we had everyone over the night before to carve pumpkins! 

And then on Halloween...I made Frankenstein! :)

These two love Halloween! And...................notice Lily's drink! :) I made bloody hot chocolate and capped it off with marshmallow fluff ghosts in it! It was so cute...and delicious! 

These three had so much fun...before Lily took off! :)

A sister I never had! 

My family...minus one living her best life! :)

Leigha stopped by!

I got to see Lily and her crew for a minute!

Lily came home and weighed her candy bag. 5 pounds I tell ya! .................and side note........she got so mad at me when she saw a gummy pack in my purse where I took ONE from her............... shake my head! :) one point during the night, I see her run into the house.....only to put her Halloween basket down (because it was full) and grab her beach bag! Notice the picture above......of her holding her beach bag because she said it was bigger and could hold more candy! Gracious! :)

Did I take a picture with strangers?!?!.....yes I did! ha! These three came up and instantly was like...sooo COOL...youre Weird Barbie! ha! And they were like...we are 'Sleepy Barbie!' (Yeah...dont know that one..but okay!) :) So...since we were all Barbies...we took a picture!

Funny story...soon before that....a little boy came up and looked at me and said...'Hey...arent you crazy Barbie?!'

Yeah....Brandon and Tyler LOVED that one and said that the rest of the night! ha! We had a great turnout even with it being a colder school night so we shutdown shop around 9:00 right when the last of the candy was gone! Lily got home then and then Alexis got home at 10:00 and we called it a fun Halloween night!

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