Wednesday, November 22, 2023

It is beginning to look A LOT like Christmas!

 We have been busy bees over here and thanks to Lily...she was my model to show how it is looking a lot like Christmas over here!

It makes me happy!

Now...I honor Tyler's request to wait until Thanksgiving to do the outside....

but inside.....

it is all twinkle lights and 'warminess' (I know it is not a word) :)  of Christmas decor!

Lily looked so cute and grown as she was ready for us to go to dinner with the Rays and Messers...that she just had to be my model! :)

Love this girl!

My favorite tree!


My favorite! I love my mantle!

Lily has already made some changes to her tree since I took this picture, but it it is!

Alexis' tree! She got a new one this year...but she didnt.......wouldnt....take a picture!

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