Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Spending the day with a little girl!

 The girls and I have not stopped this week! We have enjoyed our break...but whew! :)

Monday we took off to Bham to babysit Reese and LOVED every second of it!

Maggie and Mal met us for lunch in between her two appointments so we finished up our Christmas shopping and then headed to visit Nannie for a bit before making the trek back home. It was a FULL day but the best!

I mean...just SO many cute picture taking spots! Just LOVE!

We passed by Santa................three times! The first time...she didnt even wave at him, just stared at him. The 2nd time she waved at him...then the third...she waved and even said hello!

Did she go talk to him...or sit in his lap....

no! :)

She took her 'Baby Maggie' everywhere we went! :)

She loved going up and down! Reminded me of her aunt Meg! Meg used to LOVE doing this when we were younger!

We bought her an she wouldnt be naked anymore! :) Lily and Reese worked on getting her dressed! :)

My two natural beauties!

This MELTED my heart! Reese SO loved being with my girls!..........and my girls LOVED being with her! Here....Reese wanted 'Baby Maggie' to walk with them! :)

I didnt get a picture with Mal and Maggie but we did snag a picture with Nannie before we left her new place! Thankfully she is loving it and we had a great visit with her!

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