Thursday, November 2, 2023

How tall are you!?!

 Its that TIME!

They both....just get SO worked up on this day....every 6 months!

Who is taller?!?! Who grew more inches? How tall was Alexis at my age? How tall was I at Lily's age?

Every single time!


I love to see their growth!

Lily was up first! Whopping 5 foot 1 girl right here! She grew the most from the last time!

I crack up on how they act when he is measuring! 

Then this one! She is now 5 foot 4...almost 5! 

The intensity!

Lily was upset because though she has grown the most in the last 6 the same age as Alexis...Alexis was not even an inch taller than she is right now...but...Alexis was taller...

Lily did not like that! Alexis ate it up! :)

Until next time!

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