Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Taylor Swift- my Swifties!

 BOTH girls.........

both of them are 'Swifties' and I have to say, after watching her concert.........I am too!

We had the best Saturday!

We just have not been able to make it work since the concert movie came out to go because of it being a (3) hour movie!

It happened Saturday and both girls....and me....sang our hearts out! 

I think watching the concert was better than probably being there because we got to see her and everything from up close!

She put on a great show and we strong for over 2 hours!


We went to NYC to see where she lives............knew she was there because she was in NYC that week/weekend.....

but just watching her concert MADE their day!

Such a great performer!

She can sing!
Two really really excited girls!

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