Monday, November 13, 2023

Our cheer weekend!

 We had a nice long weekend due to Veteran's day! I took off Friday and since it was cold and raining, we had a relaxing day (both Friday and Saturday) of putting up Christmas and football mixed with cheer...more cheer and more cheer! :)

Thursday the cheer team WON Regionals! They did their best routine yet and won in their division so they go a BID to STATE which will be in December!

Friday was low key but then the football game where JHS blew Bayside Academy out of the water! Play-off game round 1 goes to the Eagles! Round 2 will be this week!

Then Sunday....we were back at cheer for the UCA competition where they placed 6th. They did a great job but due to their routine being over time limit, they received a big deduction. It was not the girl's fault at all so we could not have been more proud of how they went out on the mat and gave it their all!

 These girls were ready to compete!

4A Regional CHAMPS!

Love watching these Sophomores!

Love this picture of Lex from the Anniston Star from Friday night's play-off game!

Sunday UCA placed!

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