Sunday, May 5, 2024

District Track meet! was a warm one! The rain held off...and we made our Saturday full of all things track!

Lily did great! Another PR for 1600 and another for 800!


she is heading to STATE in 2 weeks in Montgomery!

In the 800 she came in 2nd. The Gadsden girl beat her and the Anniston girl came in 3rd. She did not like that the Gadsden girl beat her so she learned alot and learned how she really needs to kick it in gear for State!

I am glad the Gadsden girl ended up passing her and won because it really helped Lily see what she needs to do!

She says....come State....that girl isnt going to beat her again. 

We shall see! :)

Aunt Pam came to cheer her on!

Got a shot of us in the crowd!

These two! The fastest boy....and girl....runner...........for the Eagles! :)

Our track star!

A TON of kids from Anniston, Gadsden and Jville!

Ready for the 800!

Get it Lily! She did 7.03 in 1600 and 3.10 in 800. She keeps getting better each time. Just got to get that under 7 and 800 under 3!

We love her!

Softball throw! She impressed me with that left handed throw!

Half a day...done! ha!

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