Monday, May 13, 2024

Our weekend!

 We didnt have anything on the agenda so we soaked up the beautiful weekend and enjoyed being at home and the weather!

Friday night Alexis had DD Pick up night where they go and 'wake up' the new pledges and take them to Mrs. Pam's house for initiation. She had a blast! She did tell me that she liked being on the other end ( a new pledge) for this because it was 'so exciting them coming and surprising me at home.' She has loved being on the opposite end for most everything else so far so it was surprising to hear her say she enjoyed last year better as a pledge. (Getting 'old' isnt as much fun as she is going to find out!) :) She didnt get home until really late so she enjoyed getting to sleep in Saturday!

We had our first cookout/dinner on the patio Saturday night and it was just fabulous! I love when the weather makes it possible to enjoy our backyard because it is my favorite!

The Rays and Leigha enjoyed dinner with us and I got these two hand pained surprises by the artists.....Cassell and Calhoun! SO sweet, so I have them now displayed on the mantel!

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