Wednesday, May 29, 2024

OH, we love Auburn!

 We LOVE Auburn!

Everything about Auburn!

We always enjoy going down and spending a couple of days and it was just the perfect time to kick off Summer and relax!

We left early Saturday morning and came back Tuesday afternoon! We piled all the fun, food, shopping, swimming, and more into our trip!

We also always have a blast with our travel partners..........the Rays!

My view from the time we got there until really late that night!

My best travel friend!

They were twinning!

These two always have fun swimming together!

Tyler and I enjoyed pickeball every morning! We havent played in a long time so it was fun getting back out there!

We had great dinners! Amsterdam Cafe for the win! Also, the hotel restaurant, Bow and Arrow and Newks were hits too!

Fire pit and 'ghost stories' for the win!

I mean..........look at this concentration! She didnt win but she was in the finals so she got a Chick Fila gift card!

My favorite time of day is late evening! So this was my favorite view!

Monday it came a brief we hung out in the covered portion to let it pass but these two...and Calhoun played in the rain!

After dinner we walked the campus! SO nice!

Have to take a selfie on the hotel selfie wall!

Getting their free drinks/milkshakes that they all won after some fun shopping! We had a great trip and already ready for our next adventures with the crew!

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