Friday, May 24, 2024

When you get to retire!

 I have a LONG ways to go before I am able to retire. I made the joke that by the time I retire, everyone that I have been giving/decorating/setting up retirement parties for....will no longer be around.

then they informed me..............that is in fact...........true.

Sooo.....I enjoy hosting and doing parties, etc so I feel honored when I am asked to do someone's special day whether it is retirement, birthday or whatever!

To celebrate Cindy a blast! She is the most fun, happy, caring person I know! We are all going to miss her come Fall when she is off in retirement land and loving it!

It was SO nice to see past co-workers that came to celebrate her as well! It was a great afternoon!

We sure do love the lady in black!

NEVER a dull moment with all the women in this picture! (I know, that includes me!) :)

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