Thursday, May 16, 2024

Last day of school and FIELD Day!

 Alexis had her LAST day of Sophomore year yesterday! No end of the school year pictures anymore.....{insert tears here}

But I did snag this picture this morning! Alexis volunteered with her Key Club group to help the Elementary school with their Field Day! She will be at the Elementary school all day with the little kids!

Though Lily does NOT consider herself a little is her Field Day today!

She has been READY for Field Day this whole school year. MAN, they make it so competitive! So, cant wait to hear if her class placed or not!

The hopeful Field Day champion! 

UPDATE! Lily's class WON the main event and got the trophy! Alexis took this picture since she was helping work and sent it to me. Lily and her buddies!

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