Friday, May 31, 2024

When California meets Alabama!

 OH I love Blake and Margie Murphy!

So, when they came home, I knew I would have to get my hands on their babies and see them!

We had a great afternoon spending time with them and having dinner before heading back home.

Hank is just the cutest and once I figured out his language, we had the best time! ha! For a bit........I could not understand anything he was saying, but he sure wanted to talk to me and tell me all the things! :)

Sweet Goldie is just tiny and precious and it was so nice to get to hold her and see how she is just growing!

Throw Meg and Miles, etc in the mix.........and it was a perfection of an afternoon!

Sweet and tiny Goldie! She is just so dainty! 

Hank man! My goodness he reminds me so much of baby Blake!

Ice cream for the win after a great dinner at La Paz!

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