Friday, June 21, 2024

Ahhhhh....the BEACH!

We wait ALL year!

We just LOVE the beach!

This year...........we literally didnt do much and I didnt look at my phone hardly any or take many pictures! It was so nice! We came back a day early because allllll the things are coming up between Lex's 16th bday....her party....cheer camp....4th of July...and the list goes on....but it was a great trip!

Saturday we ended up having the entire day since we left so early! I did this the whooollllee day and it was fabulous!

The ocean was by far the best on this day!

The ocean was crystal blue and no waves..... it was amazing!

This alien had fun seeing all the fish and starfish and sand dollars!

We stayed alll day and night!

This is what we did several days and nights!

And watched a lot of sunsets too!

And sat my booty under an umbrella and enjoyed the views. The ocean was pretty rough the rest of the trip because of the wind but it didnt keep us from trying the beach and then fully using the pool and hot tub too!

This thing took up the entire pool almost!

We can NOT go without Sweet Frog! We went multiple nights and if it were up to Lily, we would have gone every night!

Another the pier!

Loved our walks!

And we love our pool boy! ha! When the wind knocks allll the things in...he takes it all out! ha!

These three were ready to RIDE!

She looks so grown!

These two are so competitive!

Lily did so good! She was mad that a guy and a girl bumped her and 'made me spin!' ha!

More pool time!

Of course we ate well! We stayed in the most this trip and it was just nice and relaxing but we enjoyed nights out too!

Realized we had no pictures together the whole why not take one in a store when I remember!

And for them too!  :)

Lily and her new boyfriend! She said she didnt think Ryker would like this picture!

Movie night to see Inside Out 2!

Pic with Gran!

We had a great trip! Until next year!

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