Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Grateful for the little things!

 I am a big believer  in the little things and how even the smallest of gestures, or whatever it may be....adds up in the end and is a big deal. 

Just yesterday, there were so many that I just had to share! The simplest, smallest little blessings!

No matter what is going on, how 'bad' something/a situation is, finding the smallest blessing can turn a situation better and for the good.

When a work friend brings you flowers from her yard 'just because' to bring a smile to my face! Grown with love and given as a gesture to brighten my day! LOVE!

Then, three beads.

This small token from a group of ladies, may mean nothing to you...........but this was the smallest little blessing on a Tuesday!

Even sitting in VBS car rider line to pick up Lily...............I look up out of my sunroof to this! What a blessing to be able to sit out on the beautiful evening enjoying this view!

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