Monday, June 3, 2024

The rest of our weekend!

 We had a low key rest of the weekend once we were back from Montgomery full of Church, lunch and the unpacking....washing clothes...and getting ready for the upcoming week! :)

These two got alllll info and started packing for their trip that they left on this morning! Two girls SUPER excited about the Church beach trip!

Friday we headed down and the girls did this for the rest of the afternoon after we had a delicious dinner at Outback!

They were cracking me up trying to 'race' each other by floating and staying above the water! Lily was doing this weird leg thing! Ha!

These two had a blast swimming!

Yesterday after Church....lunch and a Wal-Mart run, Alexis and Aaliyah worked on this alllll afternoon. They are getting ready for the DD Little event coming up! This is the best I could get for a picture...because they both would not let me take one of them. BOO! :)

Turned out cute! Excited to see the whole finished product when they all wear and do what they have planned!

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