Monday, July 8, 2024

4th of July beaching it with fam!

 We always look forward to every 4th going down and spending time with Brittney and her growing two kiddos...and Mitchell too, of course! :)

My girls LOVE Kennedy and Briggs and I just LOVE watching them grow!

We had the best time and everything was pretty much on repeat the entire trip!

Wednesday afternoon we got settled and this crew spent the rest of the afternoon and night doing this! GLOW swim party! :)

And doing this! :)

AND....doing this too!

Then, Thursday was the 4th!! We did THIS! All getting ready to hit the ocean on the boat!

Look at Briggs face! Solid white from sunscreen! ha!

Snow cones before we left for the win!

And Lily made Briggs a shirt with all his favorite things! He is REALLY into sharks right now...and then his favorite stuffed teddy bear (named Pinkie, because it is pink) riding on top of the shark! He would not take that shirt off he loved it SO much! Lily did SO great at making it!

BOAT time! All crew..............was ready!

Our spot for the rest of the day!

JUST beautiful!

We all loved playing on this!

This boy....and THOSE fish! He kept feeding them...and they loved him! I told Brittney that I was stealing him and bringing him home with me. She didnt like that very much...but I think I could have done it, and I should have! :)

Our camp out spot! ha!

Saw the most beautiful sunset!

We came back and ate dinner at their home and then went back out on the boat to watch the fireworks over the water! There is NO place better than over the ocean watching the best fireworks!

Right after this picture...Kennedy hit that cushion and was OUT!

The only picture I took the entire time! Full of sun, sand, and USA! :)

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