Tuesday, July 2, 2024

She is 16!

 I just cant believe it! Happened in a blink! She is 16!

She is SO excited to be 16! I am so excited for what her future holds, but OH, I miss the little Alexis too!

Happy birthday Alexis! We all love you and I hope she feels all the love today, on her birthday!

The picture doesnt do it justice, it was actually really cute in real life! ha! When she opened her door, the balloons fell out around her as a 'surprise!' :)

Our 16 year old!

So beautiful!

READY to drive!

She is loving her personalized tag!

My favorite!

Look at her! I cant believe she is 16!

She is official! Her driver's license is in her hand! I pray for a bubble around her and God's protection and guidance and focus!

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